Project ERASMUS+

Project ERASMUS+

SINAGRI played a key role as a partner, collaborating with the University of Bari Aldo Moro, which acted as the lead institution, in the development and submission of the project “Enhancement of knowledge transfer in the food sector strengthening technological transfer offices in Albanian Universities – TTO4FOOD” – acronym ERASMUS+, in response to the “Call for proposals 2020 — EAC/A02/2019 Erasmus+ Programme (2019/C 373/06)” published by the European Commission.

The scientific research, communication, and dissemination project related to the planned activities, which was approved for funding, began in 2020. In addition to the University of Bari Aldo Moro as the lead partner, it also involved other national and international partners such as the University of Tirana in Albania and the University of Cyprus. The project activities were completed in June 2023.