The activities of the INVINIS project, presented in response to the public notice PSR PUGLIA Measure 1.2 aimed at “Supporting demonstrative activities and information actions,” titled “Innovative Information for Sustainable Indigenous Viticulture – acronym INVINIS,” were carried out to implement dissemination activities, conducted in collaboration with expert faculty members from various fields of the University of Bari Aldo Moro.
The activity was launched in 2019, and its completion, initially scheduled for 2021, was successfully achieved within the given timeframe, despite the numerous restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. Specifically, despite some of the project team members being affected by the virus, which made the execution more challenging, the planned activities were completed, leading to the successful conclusion of the project.
The INVINIS project promoted innovative technologies to improve the profitability and competitiveness of wine businesses through the sustainable use of native Pugliese cultivars (FA la-le). This initiative was made possible thanks to the expertise developed by SINAGRI in various applied research and technology transfer activities (innovations related to the use and enhancement of native varieties, the development of innovative products and processes in the wine sector)The project, by promoting innovations often in contrast with structural constraints due to the aging phenomenon, aimed to facilitate generational turnover and modernization. It also ensured a strong social impact through cohesion and dialogue among actors in the agri-food system, a sense of identity, and the strengthening of the “territory-typical product” relationship, where the territory drives the dissemination of the product and ultimately creates attractiveness and employment (FA la-lc-2b; PSR-SWOT Fab. 04).
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