Report on scientific and management activity of Sinagri S.R.L. Triennium 2020-2022

Attachment 1- List of publications

  1. Bozzo, F., Frem, M., Fucilli, V., Cardone, G., Garofoli, P. F., Geronimo, S., & Petrontino, A. (2022). Landscape and Vegetation Patterns Zoning Is a Methodological Tool for Management Costs Implications Due to Xylella fastidiosa Invasion. Land, 11(7), Article 1105.


  1. Bozzo, G., Dimuccio, M. M., Casalino, G., Ceci, E., D’Amico, F., Petrontino, A., . . . Circella, E. (2022). Preliminary Evidence Regarding the Detection of Cortisol and IL-6 to Assess Animal Welfare in Various Rabbit Housing Systems. Agriculture-Basel, 12(10), Article 1622.


  1. Capozzi, V., Tufariello, M., Berbegal, C., Fragasso, M., De Simone, N., Spano, G., . . . Grieco, F. (2022). Microbial Resources and Sparkling Wine Differentiation: State of the Arts. Fermentation-Basel, 8(6), Article 275.


  1. Cardone, G., Digiaro, M., Djelouah, K., Frem, M., Rota, C., Lenders, A., & Fucilli, V. (2022). Socio-Economic Risks Posed by a New Plant Disease in the Mediterranean Basin. Diversity-Basel, 14(11), Article 975.


  1. Debbabi, O. S., Amar, F. B., Rahmani, S. M., Taranto, F., Montemurro, C., & Miazzi, M. M. (2022). The Status of Genetic Resources and Olive Breeding in Tunisia. Plants-Basel, 11(13), Article 1759.


  1. Falek, W., Mascio, I., Gadaleta, S., Fanelli, V., Bechkri, S., Khelifi, D., . . . Montemurro, C. (2022). Morphological and Eco-Geographic Variation in Algerian Wild Olives. Plants-Basel, 11(14), Article 1803.


  1. Falek, W., Sion, S., Montemurro, C., Mascio, I., Gadaleta, S., Fanelli, V., . . . Miazzi, M. M. (2022). Molecular diversity and ecogeographic distribution of Algerian wild olives (Olea europaea subsp, europaea var. sylvestris). Scientia Agricola, 79(3), Article e20200308.


  1. Fanelli, V., Mascio, I., Falek, W., Miazzi, M. M., & Montemurro, C. (2022). Current Status of Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation of Wild Olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea var. sylvestris). Plants-Basel, 11(4), Article 480.


  1. Frem, M., Fucilli, V., Petrontino, A., Acciani, C., Bianchi, R., & Bozzo, F. (2022). Nursery Plant Production Models under Quarantine Pests’ Outbreak: Assessing the Environmental Implications and Economic Viability. Agronomy-Basel, 12(12), Article 2964.


  1. Miazzi, M. M., Babay, E., De Vita, P., Montemurro, C., Chaabane, R., Taranto, F., & Mangini, G. (2022). Comparative Genetic Analysis of Durum Wheat Landraces and Cultivars Widespread in Tunisia. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, Article 939609.


  1. Montilon, V., Susca, L., Potere, O., Roseti, V., Campanale, A., Saponari, A., . . . Bottalico, G. (2022). Embryo Culture, In Vitro Propagation, and Molecular Identification for Advanced Olive Breeding Programs. Horticulturae, 8(1), Article 36.


  1. Petrontino, A., Frem, M., Fucilli, V., Tricarico, G., & Bozzo, F. (2022). Health-Nutrients and Origin Awareness: Implications for Regional Wine Market-Segmentation Strategies Using a Latent Analysis. Nutrients, 14(7), Article 1385.


  1. Sabetta, W., Centrone, M., D’Agostino, M., Difonzo, G., Mansi, L., Tricarico, G., . . . Volpicella, M. (2022). “Good Wine Makes Good Blood”: An Integrated Approach to Characterize Autochthonous Apulian Grapevines as Promising Candidates for Healthy Wines. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 18(7), 2851-2866.


  1. Savoia, M. A., Del Faro, L., Venerito, P., Gaeta, L., Palasciano, M., Montemurro, C., & Sabetta, W. (2022). The Relevance of Discovering and Recovering the Biodiversity of Apulian Almond Germplasm by Means of Molecular and Phenotypic Markers. Plants-Basel, 11(4), Article 574.


  1. Spika, M. J., Liber, Z., Montemurro, C., Miazzi, M. M., Ljubenkov, I., Soldo, B., . . . Skevin, D. (2022). Quantitatively Unraveling Hierarchy of Factors Impacting Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Profile and Oxidative Stability. Antioxidants, 11(3), Article 594.


  1. Cardone, G., Digiaro, M., Djelouah, K., El Bilali, H., Frem, M., Fucilli, V., Ladisa, G., Rota, C., & Yaseen, T. (2021). Potential socio-economic impact of Xylella fastidiosa in the Near East and North Africa (NENA): risk of introduction and spread, risk perception and socio-economic effects. New Medit, 20(2).


  1. Frem M, Fucilli V, Nigro F, El Moujabber M, Abou Kubaa R, La Notte P, Bozzo F, Choueiri E. (2021). The potential direct economic impact and private management costs of an invasive alien species: Xylella fastidiosa on Lebanese wine grapes. NeoBiota 70: 43-67.


  1. Frem M, Santeramo FG, Lamonaca E, El Moujabber M, Choueiri E, La Notte P, Nigro F, Bozzo F, Fucilli V (2021) Landscape restoration due to Xylella fastidiosa invasion in Italy: Assessing the hypothetical public’s preferences. NeoBiota 66: 31-54.


  1. Saddoud Debbabi, O., Rahmani Mnasri, S., Ben Amar, F., Naceur, B., Montemurro, C., & Miazzi, M. M. (2021). Applications of Microsatellite Markers for the Characterization of Olive Genetic Resources of Tunisia. Genes, 12(2), 286.


  1. Bozzo, F., Tarricone, S., Petrontino, A., Cagnetta, P., Maringelli, G., Gioia, G. L., . . . Ragni, M. (2021). Quantification of the starling population, estimation and mapping of the damage to olive crops in the apulia region. Animals, 11(4) doi:10.3390/ani11041119


  1. Di Rienzo, V., Imanifard, Z., Mascio, I., Gasser, C. S., Skinner, D. J., Pierri, C. L., … & Bellin, D. (2021). Functional conservation of the grapevine candidate gene INNER NO OUTER for ovule development and seed formation. Horticulture research, 8(1), 1-13.


  1. Saddoud Deddabi, O., Montemurro, C., Ben Maachia, S., Ben Amar, F., Fanelli, V., Gadaleta, S., … & Miazzi, M. M. (2020). A Hot Spot of Olive Biodiversity in the Tunisian Oasis of Degache. Diversity, 12(9), 358.


  1. Acciani, C., De Boni, A., Bozzo, F., & Roma, R. (2021). Pulses for healthy and sustainable food systems: The effect of origin on market price. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(1), 1-15. doi:10.3390/su13010185


  1. Spanò, R., Ferrara, M., Montemurro, C., Mulè, G., Gallitelli, D., & Mascia, T. (2020). Grafting alters tomato transcriptome and enhances tolerance to an airborne virus infection. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-13.


  1. Sardaro, R., Fucilli, V., Bozzo, F., Pieragostini, E., Petazzi, F., Rubino, G., & Maringelli, G. (2020). Recent Land Abandonment Drivers in the Agro-Pastoral Areas of Apulia. I paesaggi aperti agropastorali del Mediterraneo: genesi, economie, governo del territorio. Atti del 4° Convegno CRIAT, 173-182.


  1. Miazzi, M. M., D’Agostino, N., di Rienzo, V., Venerito, P., Savino, V. N., Fucilli, V., … & Taranto, F. (2020). Marginal grapevine germplasm from Apulia (Southern Italy) represents an unexplored source of genetic diversity. Agronomy, 10(4), 563.


  1. Miazzi, M. M., di Rienzo, V., Mascio, I., Montemurro, C., Sion, S., Sabetta, W., Bozzo, F. (2020). ger.O.P.: An integrated project for the recovery of ancient and rare olive germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11 doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.00073


  1. Frem, M., Chapman, D., Fucilli, V., Choueiri, E., El Moujabber, M., La Notte, P., & Nigro, F. (2020). Xylella fastidiosa invasion of new countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: Ranking the potential exposure scenarios. NeoBiota, 59, 77.


  1. Bozzo, F., Fucilli, V., Petrontino, A., & Girone, S. (2019). Identification of High Nature Value Farmland: a methodological proposal. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics, 74(3), 29-41.


  1. Fanelli, V., Volpicella, M., Giampetruzzi, A., Saldarelli, P., Leoni, C., Ceci, L. R., Sabetta, W. (2019). Valorization of autochthonous apulian grapevine cultivars for spumante production doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1248.63


  1. Sardaro, R., Bozzo, F., & Fucilli, V. (2018). High-voltage overhead transmission lines and farmland value: Evidences from the real estate market in apulia, southern italy. Energy Policy, 119, 449-457. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.05.005


  1. Fanelli V., De Giovanni C., Saponari M., Leonetti P., Ricciardi L., Montemurro C. (2018). A possible role of CTV.20 gene methylation in response to Citrus tristeza virus infection. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150(2), 527-532. 10.1007/s10658-017-1293-7,


  1. Sardaro, R., Bozzo, F., & Fucilli, V. (2018). La stima dell’indennità per servitù di elettrodotto coattivo mediante uno studio del mercato fondiario in puglia. Aestimum, 2018(73), 219-237. doi:10.13128/Aestimum-24930


  1. Sardaro, R., Bozzo, F., & Fucilli, V. (2018). The choice experiment and the stochastic profit frontier: A methodological approach for groundwater preservation policies. Aestimum, 72, 81-107. doi:10.13128/Aestimum-23970


  1. Sardaro, R., Bozzo, F., Petrontino, A., & Fucilli, V. (2018). Community preferences in support of a conservation programme for olive landraces in the mediterranean area doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1199.30 Retrieved


  1. Sardaro R., Bozzo F., Petrontino A., Fucilli V. (2018). Community preferences in support of a conservation programme for olive landraces in the Mediterranean area. Acta Horticulturae (Accepted paper).


  1. Bozzo F., Girone S., Fucilli V., Petrontino A., Sardaro R. (2017). The consumption of fish in old age: A statistical analysis on the dataset “Multiscopo”. RIEDS – Rivista italiana di economia demografia e statistica, Volume 71 n. 4, Ottobre-Dicembre, 143-154. ISSN: 0035-6832


  1. Sabetta W., Miazzi M.M, Di Rienzo V., Fanelli V., Pasqualone A., Montemurro C. (2017). Development and application of protocols to certify the authenticity and traceability of Apulian typical products in olive sector. LA RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLE SOSTANZE GRASSE, vol. 94, p. 37-43, ISSN: 0035-6808.


  1. Di Rienzo V., Fanelli V., Miazzi M.M., Savino V., Pasqualone A., Summo C., Giannini P., Sabetta W., Montemurro C. (2017). A reliable analytical procedure to discover table grape DNA adulteration in industrial wines and musts. Acta Horticulturae, 1188, 365-370.


  1. Sardaro R., Bozzo F., Petrillo F., Fucilli V. (2017). Measuring the financial sustainability of vine landraces for better conservation programmes of Mediterranean agro-biodiversity. Land Use Policy 68, 160-167. ISSN: 0264-8377 DOI: 1016/j.landusepol.2017.07.045


  1. Maringelli G., Sardaro R., Bozzo F., Petrontino A., Fucilli V. (2017). La pesca del tonno rosso: aspetti normativi e criticità inerenti alla salvaguardia della specie. Agriregionieuropa anno 13 n°49, Giugno.


  1. Taranto, F., Pasqualone, A., Mangini, G., Tripodi, P., Miazzi, M.M., Pavan, S., Montemurro, C. Polyphenol oxidases in crops: Biochemical, physiological and genetic aspects (2017) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (2), art. no. 377


  1. Boucheffa S, Miazzi M.M., di Rienzo V, Mangini G, Fanelli V, Tamendjari A, Pignone D, Montemurro C (2017). The coexistence of oleaster and traditional varieties affects genetic diversity and population structure in Algerian olive (Olea europaea) germplasm. GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION, p. 1-12, ISSN: 0925-9864, DOI 10.1007/s10722-016-0365-4.


  1. Di Rienzo V., Miazzi M.M., Sion S., Fanelli V., Sabetta W., Taranto F., Montemurro C. Genetic biodiversity of apulian olive (Olea europaea) germplasm analyzed by SSR markers. 4th International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources September 3-7, 2017 – Giessen, Germany


  1. Miazzi M.M., Sion S., Fanelli V., Sabetta W., Taranto F., Montemurro C., Di Rienzo V. The molecular characterization of apulian grape biodiversity heritage. 4th International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources September 3-7, 2017 – Giessen, Germany


  1. Montemurro C., Volpicella M.T., Fanelli V, Taranto F., Miazzi M.M., Leoni C., Spadoni A., Saldarelli P., Giampetruzzi A., Sabetta W, Di Rienzo V. A RNA-seq approach for the identification of the key genes involved in vacuolar acidification of apulian authoctonous grapevine varieties. 4th International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources September 3-7, 2017 – Giessen, Germany


  1. Taranto F., D’Agostino N., Sion S., Fanelli V., Miazzi M.M., di Rienzo V., Sabetta W., Mangini G., Perri E., Zelasco S., Camposeo S., Montemurro C. Genotype-by-sequencing disclosed genetic diversity and revealed unexpected synonymy in a representative collection of the Italian olive germplasm. 4th International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources September 3-7, 2017 – Giessen, Germany


  1. Taranto F., D’agostino N., Sion S., Fanelli V., Miazzi M.M., di Rienzo V., Sabetta W., Mangini G., Perri E., Zelasco S., Camposeo S., Montemurro C. Genome-wide diversity study on a representative collection of the italian olive germplasm using genotype-by-sequencing Proceedings of the Joint Congress SIBV-SIGA Pisa, Italy – 19/22 September, 2017 ISBN 978-88-904570-7-4 Oral Communication Abstract – 2.07


  1. di Rienzo V., Miazzi M.M., Fanelli V., Sabetta W., Sion S., Montemurro C. The molecular assessment of apulian olive germplasm biodiversity Proceedings of the Joint Congress SIBV-SIGA Pisa, Italy – 19/22 September, 2017 ISBN 978-88-904570-7-4 Poster Communication Abstract – 2.23


  1. Fanelli V., Sabetta W., Montemurro C., Comai L., Harmer S.L. SUNTILL: a resource to study sunflower genes involved in plant-environment interactions. Proceedings of the Joint Congress SIBV-SIGA Pisa, Italy – 19/22 September, 2017 ISBN 978-88-904570-7-4 Oral Communication Abstract – 5.02


  1. Fanelli V., Sabetta W., Taranto F., Miazzi M.M., Sion S., di Rienzo V., Montemurro C., Comai L., Harmer S.L. TILLING by sequencing to identify induced mutations in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genes 4th International Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources September 3-7, 2017 – Giessen, Germany


  1. di Rienzo V., Montemurro C., Clodoveo M.L., Gallo V., Mastrorilli P., Latronico M., Amirante R., Bozzo F., Fucilli V., Amabile S., Celano G.V., Corbo F. Agreement between research institutions and regulatory bodies: best practices for the validation of bioanalytical methods for tracking and identification of fraud in the olive oil sector. La chimica degli alimenti e i giovani ricercatori: nuovi approcci in tema di qualità, sicurezza e aspetti funzionali di ingredienti alimentari. Una giornata per il futuro della ricerca nella Chimica degli Alimenti 25 Settembre 2017 Sala Napoleonica, Palazzo Greppi, via S. Antonio 10, Milano


  1. Sardaro R., Fucilli V., Acciani C., Bozzo F., Petrontino A., Girone S. (2016). Agro-biodiversity: an economic evaluation of benefits provided to regional community by the Apulian olive landraces. RIEDS – Rivista italiana di economia demografia e statistica, Volume 70 n.3, Luglio-Settembre, 173-184. ISSN: 0035-6832


  1. Sardaro R., Girone S., Acciani C., Bozzo F., Petrontino A., Fucilli V. (2016). Agro-biodiversity of Mediterranean crops: farmers’ preferences in support of a conservation programme for olive landraces. Biological Conservation 201, 210-219. ISSN 0006-3207 DOI: 1016/j.biocon.2016.06.033


  1. Sabetta Wilma, Crosatti Cristina, Soltész Alexandra, Di Rienzo Valentina, Montemurro Cinzia (2016). Screening auxin response, in vitro culture aptitude and susceptibility to agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Italian commercial durum wheat varieties. MOLECULES, vol. 21, ISSN: 1420-3049, doi: 10.3390/molecules21111440.


  1. Sanzani S. M., Miazzi M. M., Di Rienzo V., Fanelli V., Gambacorta G., Taurino M. R., Montemurro C. (2016). A rapid assay to detect toxigenic Penicillium spp. Contamination in wine and musts. TOXINS, vol. 8, ISSN: 2072-6651, doi: 10.3390/toxins8080235.


  1. di Rienzo V., Miazzi M.M., Fanelli V., Pollastro S., Colucci F., Miccolupo A., Savino V., Blanco A., Pasqualone A., Montemurro C. (2016). An enhanced analytical procedure to discover table grape DNA adulteration in industrial musts. FOOD CONTROL, VOL. 60 (2016) 124-130. ISSN: 0956-7135.


  1. Pasqualone A., Di Rienzo V., Sabetta W., Fanelli V., Summo C., Paradiso V.M., Montemurro C., Caponio F. (2016). Chemical and Molecular Characterization of Crude Oil Obtained by Olive-Pomace Recentrifugation. Journal of Chemistry, Article number 4347207.


  1. Taranto F., D’Agostino N., Pavan S., Fanelli V., di Rienzo V., Sabetta W., Miazzi M.M., Zelasco S., Perri E., Montemurro C. (2016). Genetic diversity assessed by SNP markers in olive germplasm collection. In: Proceedings of the LX SIGA Annual Congress. NAPOLI: Edgardo Filippone, ISBN: 978-88-904570-6-7.


  1. Fanelli V., Sabetta W, Montemurro C, Comai L (2016). TILLING by sequencing to identify induced mutations in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) genes. In: Proceedings of the LX SIGA Annual Congress. ISBN: 978-88-904570-6-7.


  1. Montemurro C., di Rienzo V., Miazzi M.M., Fanelli V., Mita G., Caponio F., De Bellis L., Sardaro R., Bottalico G., Pirolo C., Venerito P., Camposeo S., Loconsole G., Petrontino A., Bozzo F., Fucilli V. THE RE.GER.O.P. PROJECT FOR THE PRESERVATION OF APULIAN OLIVE GERMPLASM BIODIVERSITY. ABSTRACTS BOOK XI Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità. Matera 9-10 giugno 2016.


  1. Sardaro R., Acciani C., De Gennaro B., Fucilli V., Roselli L. (2015). Valutazione dell’impatto economico e paesaggistico causato da Xylella fastidiosa sull’olivicoltura del Salento. In: (a cura di) Castellini A., Devenuto L. “Il danno. Elementi giuridici, urbanistici e economico-estimativi”, Atti del XLIV Incontro di Studi Ce.S.E.T. (Bologna, 27-28 novembre 2014), Mantova, Universitas Studiorum, pp. 335-362. ISBN 9788899459215


  1. Montemurro C, Miazzi M.M., 1 Pasqualone A., Fanelli V., Sabetta W., di Rienzo V. (2015). Traceability of PDO Olive Oil ‘‘Terra di Bari’’ Using High Resolution Melting. JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 2015, 496986, ISSN: 2090-9063.


  1. Montemurro C., Di Rienzo V., Mita G., Caponio F., De Bellis L., Sardaro R., Bottalico G., Pirolo C., Venerito P., Camposeo S., Loconsole G., Petrontino A., Bozzo F., Fucilli V. (2015). The Re.Ger.O.P. project for the preservation of apulian olive germplasm biodiversity. In: Proceedings of the Joint Congres SIBV-SIGA. ISBN: 978-88-904570-5-0.


  1. di Rienzo V, Miazzi M.M., Savino V, La Notte P, Montemurro C (2015). The molecular characterization of apulian grape biodiversity heritage. In: Proceedings of the Joint Congress SIBV-SIGA Milano, Italy –. NAPOLI: Edgardo Filippone, ISBN: 978-88-904570-5-0.


  1. Venerito P., et al. (2015) Agrobiodiversità delle colture arboree pugliesi: fruizione pubblica, divulgazione e didattica. In: Atti del Convegno Recupero del germoplasma dei fruttiferi, della vite e dell’olivo pugliese, Locorotondo (Bari), 2 ottobre 2015.


  1. Montemurro C., et al. (2014) I progetti Re.Ge.Vi.P., Re.Ger.O.P., e Re.Ge.Fru.P. per la conservazione della biodiversità delle colture arboree pugliesi. X Convegno nazionale sulla Biodiversità. Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche. Roma 3-5 Ottobre 2014.