The project “Traceability of cooperative supply chains through Blockchain Distributed Ledger technology – acronym TRACECOOP”, presented in response to the MISE PON I&C 2014-2020 fund for Sustainable Growth – “Agrifood” call, saw SINAGRI as the leading partner, in collaboration with two partners: the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (DEI) of the Polytechnic University of Bari and the company Cooperativa Giardinetto. The aim of the project was to formalize and make the integrated Blockchain system applicable to the agri-food sector, with the ultimate goal of developing a platform for integrated traceability. The extensive project activities, planned over a three-year period, were successfully completed in December 2023. Scopo del progetto è stato formalizzare e rendere applicativo il sistema integrato Blockchain al settore agroalimentare, con l’obiettivo finale della realizzazione di una piattaforma per la tracciabilità integrata.Le intense attività progettuali, previste in un arco temporale triennale, sono state regolarmente completate a dicembre 2023.