Studies and Research
CNR Leading Partner
Viticultural zoning and development of tools for sustainability, enhancement of territorial resources and mitigation of the effects of climate change in the Valle d'Itria area (funded by the Puglia Region)

SINAGRI SRL Leading Partner
Traceability of cooperative supply chains through Blockchain-Distributed Ledger technology (funded by the Ministry of Economic Development – MISE).
Research activities aimed at genetic improvement and the development of new plant varieties.
Integrated project for biodiversity on the ‘Recovery of Apulian Fruit Germplasm – Stone Fruits and Pome Fruits’ (funded by the Puglia Region).
Integrated project for biodiversity on the ‘Recovery of Apulian Olive Germplasm’ (funded by the Puglia Region).
European Community + Erasmus TTO4FOOD
Enhancement of knowledge transfer in the food Sector strengthening technological transfer offices in Albanian Universities- Acronym TTO4FOOD” ERASMUS+ – Call for Proposal 2020 – EAC/A02/2019.